About copely
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But we are proud to say that copely contributed 15 entries already.
Entries by copely
On June 6, 2019: S&E Held a Study Group on Intellectual Property in China and Taiwan
On June 6, 2019: S&E held a study group on the Intellectual Property in China and Taiwan at Sonderhoff and Einsel’s firm office. Ms. Xiaofen Wu (Chinese patent attorney) of S&E gave a presentation on the “Patent Linkage System in China and Taiwan”, in which many Japanese pharmaceutical companies have shown great interest. In China, […]
On May 13, 2019 and in Frankfurt on May 16 (Frankfurt), 2019: The China IP Law Seminar was held by the Hamburg Office.
The Chinese Patent Law Seminar organized by the Hamburg Office was held on May 13, 2019 (Hamburg) and May 16 (Frankfurt). At this seminar, patent attorneys from the Hamburg, Beijing, and Tokyo offices provided an overview of the latest trends in China’s patent law and patent practice that are changing dynamically. Dr. Zhao (Chinese attorney […]
IP Practice: “Update of Patent Linkage System for Pharmaceutical Products in China”
We are pleased to announce the December 2017 issue of Sonderhoff & Einsel China IP Newsletter. Patent linkage is a system where a country links drug marketing approval of a generic drug to the status of the patents related to the originator’s product. In China, there have been a series of regulations that have been released for public […]
Sonderhoff & Einsel (Beijing) Patent Agency Office
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